Friday, May 15, 2020

News Monitor: Sachin Dev Duggal Engineer.AI

News Monitor: Sachin Dev Duggal Engineer.AI Assembly Line Vision...: is co-founded by Sachin Dev Duggal in 2012 and the founder has brought an “assembly line vision to software development so that the 140 million new small businesses formed globally every year can build out their ideas into tangible products”.

How getting burned by a developer inspired SD Squared Labs - Mixergy

Joining me today is Sachin Dev Duggal. I know him as the guy who created Nivio, a company that actually let you get Windows apps on your freaking iPad, and it was all legal. It was this beautiful thing. People loved it. And he sold it.

Sachin Dev Duggal

Founder & CEO Sachin Dev Duggal - a tech icon globally, Sachin Dev Duggal, the Chief Wizard of,...

Sachin Dev Duggal, Board Member & Co-Founder,

Curated profile of Sachin Dev Duggal, Board Member & Co-Founder, including career history, news and intelligence, portfolio companies and investments. Spoke Intelligence is home of VB Profiles.

Sachin Dev Duggal

Sachin Dev Duggal, Founder and CEO, Engineerai, a tech icon globally, Sachin Dev Duggal, the Chief Wizard of Engineerai, was recognized with the Serial Entrepreneur of the Year Award at a gala event hosted by Entrepreneur India to recognize the best of Entrepreneurial ecosystem for 2019.